For documentation about Datasure Proof Vault, please see Swagger tab.
Icon of RFC3161 API
You can join the standard API according to the RFC3161 protocol. You can find a variety of RFC3161 libraries for your language or directly generate the Timestamp Query (TSQ) thanks to OpenSSL.
You must transmit a "Timestamp Request" to the timestamp authority's endpoint, with the corresponding header (application/timestamp-query). Make sure your TSQ is valid before sending and its content (hash of the data to be timestamped, hashing algorithm, ...). It is not necessary to specify the OID (Timestamp Policy) because by default the timestamp units choose the only available qualified timestamp policy (
However, it is absolutely necessary to specify a hash algorithm that is robust enough in accordance with current ETSI standards (minimum and default: sha256).

Endpoint (POST)

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

Basic Authentication
You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
Body of the POST request
Your TSQ according to RFC3161.

The response is status 200 with the content of the Timestamp Response (TSR) in the body. You must retrieve the TSR in order to integrate it into your use cases.
For the convenience of some customers, you have access to a simple HTTP REST API that allows you to send a PDF file in a POST request and retrieve the PDF file with an incorporated timestamp : it is the PAdES format (thus visible in the signature banner in clients such as Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Endpoint (POST)

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
Key: 'pdf'
Value: your PDF file (multipart/form-data)

The timestamp authority sends you a 200 OK status with the PDF file with the incorporated timestamp in PADES format in the body. You just need to save this version of the file for your use cases.
Icon of PDF Certificate of TSA operation
With this Premium tool, you can generate unlimited PDF proof certificates digitally signed by Datasure for all your achieved timestamps. You need to send, in the URL, the Serial Number of the token for which you want to have a proof certificate. Each generation of PDF certificate costs you 1 timestamp credit. This is a GET method.

Endpoint (GET)

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

Basic Authentication
You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
{serial_number} in the URL parameter : Serial number of the timestamp record
Be sure to get the correct serial number from your tokens in your application to be able to generate proof certificates from this API.
Download the Timestamping Response (TSR) for a given serial number, encoded in DER format complying with RFC 3161.

Endpoint (GET)

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

Basic Authentication
You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
serialNumber: Serial number of the timestamp record
200: TSR downloaded successfully, 404: TSR not available or not found, 500: Internal server error
Retrieves detailed information of a Timestamp Record based on its serial number.

Endpoint (GET)

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

Basic Authentication
You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
serialNumber: Serial number of the Timestamp Record
200: Timestamp Record details, 404: Timestamp Record not found
Searches for all Timestamp Records containing the given fingerprint and returns an array of their serial numbers.

Endpoint (GET)

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

Basic Authentication
You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
fingerprint: Fingerprint hash to search for
200: List of serial numbers, 404: No records found for the given fingerprint
Validate a SHA-256 hash and generate a Timestamping Response (TSR) if the hash is valid.

Endpoint (POST)

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

Basic Authentication
You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
Request Body
hash: SHA-256 hash for which the TSR is to be generated
200: TSR generated successfully, 400: Invalid hash format, 500: Internal server error
This endpoint computes the SHA-256 hash of the file you provide and directly returns the Timestamp Response (TSR). The file size limit is 100MB per file. Only one file should be sent per POST request.

Endpoint (POST)

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

Basic Authentication
You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
Request Body
file: File to upload (multipart/form-data)
200: TSR done successfully, 400: No file given or too big size (100MB), 500: Server internal error
Official verification Page (Premium)
With Premium offer, You're entitled to have your own official verification page (White mark) that you can iframe in your own project. This page can be used to search any timestamp records you've done, by serial number, hash, or even a file itself.

URL Endpoint

Private url. Please connect to your customer account to see it.

Icon of PDF Certificate API
For test purposes only, we expose a timestamp unit RFC3161 with dummy timestamps. It doesn't consum any token from your customer plan. This token will has no trust for CA and has no legal value. Warning : Please don't send many requests to not saturate the server.

Endpoint (POST)

Private url. Please contact Presales if you need it for testing.

Basic Authentication
You indicate your email as 'username' and your 'password' of the Datasure platform.
Header must have the "Authorization" key with value "Basic username:password" (Base64)
No auth
There is no authentification needed.
Body of the POST request
Your TSQ in binary.
Warning : this API should NOT be use in production.
MyDatasure - Qualified Trust Service Provider - Datasure Customer Area